The reported levels of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, in groundwater could be “just the tip of the iceberg,” as most of the chemicals are still migrating down slowly through the soil, researchers say.
Nearly 3,000 synthetic chemicals belong to the PFAS class. They have been used since the 1940s in food packaging, water-resistant fabrics, non-stick products, pizza boxes, paints, firefighting foams, and more, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.
The chemicals don’t break down in the environment or in the body, and a growing number of research papers have shown that PFAS contamination in water sources is widespread in the United States and that exposure is harmful to health.
“Because PFAS are in a lot of consumer and industrial products, they can get into wastewater. Treatment plants are not designed to treat these compounds, so these chemicals just stay in that water to get reused. It’s sprayed on soccer fields or used to recharge aquifers, for example,” says coauthor Mark Brusseau, professor of environmental science at the University of Arizona.
“PFAS can also get into the biosolids, which are land-applied as fertilizer, so there are all these sources, which means they could have entered the environment at many different time periods and repeatedly.”
To understand how the chemicals migrate through the soil between the land surface and groundwater鈥揳n area called the vadose zone鈥搑esearchers developed a novel mathematical model to simulate the different complex processes that affect the transport and retention of these chemicals.
Their model shows that the majority of PFAS chemicals accumulate in places where air makes contact with the surface of water trapped in the soil, which significantly slows the chemicals’ downward march to groundwater. The researchers found that the chemicals will move even more slowly than expected through coarse-grain soils than fine-grain soils.
“This means that the majority of PFAS are still in the soil, and they are migrating down slowly in a way similar to a ticking time bomb,” says lead author Bo Guo, assistant professor of hydrology and atmospheric sciences.
Previous observations showed that PFAS chemicals were moving slowly through the soil before reaching the groundwater, but no one understood why. The model defines the mechanisms behind the extremely slow migrations seen in the field.
“This has big implications for focusing remediation,” Guo says. “So far, groundwater has been the focus, but should we actually focus on soil, which is where most of the PFAS are and will be for a long time? Or do we wait and remediate the groundwater for decades or centuries?”
The model can work for any of the PFAS chemicals, but the researchers specifically simulated PFOS, or perfluorooctanesulfonate, which is commonly found in firefighting foam and is of primary concern.
“One of our objectives in the future would be to apply the model to different sites,” says Brusseau. “Then hopefully it will be useful for policymakers, regulators, environmental consultants to do assessments.”
The findings appear in .