Nanoclusters made from boron and lanthanide elements form highly stable and symmetric structures with interesting magnetic properties, researchers report.
The findings, which appears in , suggest that these nanoclusters may be useful as molecular magnets or assembled into magnetic nanowires. The research also helps shed light on the structure and chemical bonding of bulk boron lanthanides, which may help in engineering new boride materials.
“Boron lanthanides are an important class of materials used in electronics and other applications, but nanoclusters of boron lanthanides have not been studied,” says Lai-Sheng Wang, a professor of chemistry at Brown University and senior author of a paper describing the work.
“We have just started to investigate these nanoclusters, and here we show that they can have an interesting ‘inverse sandwich’ structure with the right combination of boron and lanthanide atoms.”
The structure鈥攁 ring of bonded boron atoms with a single lanthanide atom bonded to each side鈥攅merged in clusters made from eight boron atoms and two atoms of either lanthanum or praseodymium (both members of the lanthanide group on the periodic table).
Sandwich structures鈥攃omplexes in which two planar aromatic hydrocarbon molecules surround a single metal atom鈥攁re well known in chemistry and their discovery received a Nobel Prize in 1973. Inverse sandwich structures are known to form in uranium-organic molecular complexes, Wang says, but this is the first time the structure has been seen in boron lanthanides.
Wang’s lab used a technique called photoelectron spectroscopy to study nanoclusters made of different chemical elements. The technique involves zapping atomic clusters with a high-powered laser. Each zap knocks an electron out of the cluster. By measuring the kinetic energy of those freed electrons, researchers can understand how the atoms in a cluster are bound together and infer the cluster’s physical structure.
To find the structures, Wang compared the photoelectron spectra with theoretical calculations that quantum chemist Jun Li and his students from Tsinghua University in China conducted.
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“We found that clusters made of eight boron and two lanthanide atoms are highly symmetric as inferred from their simple spectral patterns,” Wang says. “In chemistry, whenever we find something that’s highly symmetric it’s very exciting.”
That symmetry results, Wang says, from the nature of the chemical bonds that hold the structure together. The nature of those bonds also makes the clusters highly magnetic. That could make them useful for in nano-electronics applications or elsewhere.
The research also helps to shed light on bulk borides, Wang says.
“It gives us a new way of understanding the bonding and structure of boride materials,” he says. “By studying small units, we can gain insight into the bulk system, and I think we have gained some of that insight here.”
Wang’s coauthors on the study are from Brown and Tsinghua University. The US National 糖心视频 Foundation and the National Natural 糖心视频 Foundation of China funded the study.